Pané and Guatícabanu

In early December 1494 (528 years ago), the Hieronymite friar Ramón Pané and the Franciscan friars Juan Leudelle and Juan de Tisín began preaching Christianity in the river valley surrounding the newly established Fort Magdalena. They soon kindled interest in the...

Fort Magdalena and Fray Pané

On return from his Cuban exploration, Columbus learned of Fray Buil and Margarite’s desertion and that growing Taíno hostility in areas along the Yaque River endangered his men’s travel between the settlement at Isabela and Fort Santo Tomás (see post of September 11)....

Indigenous Peoples Day

For Indigenous Peoples Day, I repost the article I wrote for the History News Network explaining why I feel it’s important to retell the “Columbus story” from both Taíno and European perspectives: History News Network Article

Pedro Margarite and Fray Buil’s Desertion

Returning from Cuba, Columbus’s caravels reached “Española’s” southwestern tip in mid-August 1494. By September, they had anchored in a river mouth (Río Jaina) on the southern coast near modern Santo Domingo, where he dispatched sailors to march north across the...

Caonabó’s Alliance and Guarionex

In August 1494 (528 years ago), Columbus’s caravels circled counterclockwise along the southern coast of the Taíno Yamaye (Jamaica), returning from Cuba to “Espanola.” During his absence from Española, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand had heard criticisms of his...